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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/06/2014
MAY 6, 2014

Present: James Wettlaufer, Michael Kennedy, Lynn Arnold
Wettlaufer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM


MOTION 05062014-1:       To accept the April 15, 2014 minutes as amended.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Wettlaufer.
VOTE: Two in favor, Kennedy abstained

MOTION 05062014-2: To accept the April 24, 2014 minutes as presented.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Arnold.  

The April 24, 2014 meeting was held due to the resignation of Kristin LaPlante as the Town Clerk.  Due to the timing of her resignation, the position cannot be added to the ballot according to the State Elections.  Therefore, the Board chose to appoint Sharon Ashleigh, who has been working as the Assistant Town Clerk and she was unanimously appointed to the position until the June 2015 election.



Dick Haller – Trails Committee

The Trails Committee is applying for a Norcross Grant for trail maps and signs.  The budget for the grant is $464.00 and requires no match.  The Trails Committee is looking for a letter of support from the Board of Selectmen, since they need a sponsoring agency, which is the town.  

MOTION: 05062014-3: To sign the letter as prepared to support the Trails Committee for the Norcross Grant.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Wettlaufer.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Haller also announced there were two work days coming up on May 10, 2014 on Pond Bridge Road and on June 10, 2014 on Five Bridge Road in Brimfield.  A trail ride is also planned and he will get the date to the Board to announce.  

Jim Dusza – Lake Treatment

Quotes were obtained for the treatment of Milfoil in the Hamilton Reservoir.  Three companies were contacted, including ACT, Lycott and NE Environmental.  ACT submitted a quote of $11,725.00, a 6.6% increase.  Lycott did not submit a quote because they were taken over by ACT and NE Environmental did not submit a bid.  There are no other local companies that provide this type of lake treatment.  

Wettlaufer stated the Board did not have to vote to approve the quote, because it is a line item in the budget and it gets voted on at town meeting.  The correct amount has been added into the budget.  
Dusza stated he will get the contract to the Board for a signature.      


Cox Cable Contract

The Board had stated they were to schedule a Public Hearing about the Cox Service Agreement.  They were considering scheduling the hearing after the next Board meeting, but are not sure of the scheduling requirements.  Bishop will contact Alan Mandl, the attorney for Cox to ensure the posting of the hearing is done properly.

Code Red

MOTION 05062014-4: To sign the Code Red Agreement for a three year term at $2,850 per year.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Features of Code Red include a weather alerts, but members will have to sign up for that feature.  The Town can cancel the agreement at any time.

Vehicle Use Policy

MOTION 05062014-5: To accept a Vehicle use Policy.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Arnold brought forward several questions in regards to the Vehicle Use Policy Town Counsel had prepared for the Town.  Concerns included why the drivers log was removed, filing taxes for the highway surveyor for fringe benefits, use of cell phones for the highway department, who ensures proper insurance coverage for using personal vehicles for town business and disciplinary action for violations of the policy.  

Explanations for her concerns included drivers log was removed since mechanics keep track of mileage, usage etc.  Fringe benefits are very minute considering the current Highway Surveyor’s commute is less than one mile, and according to the Town of Monson their surveyor does not have to pay the taxes for fringe benefits after a decision from the IRS, since he is considered 24-hour emergency personnel.  Use of cell phones is permitted for highway personnel as well as Fire and Police.  They all must be able to communicate to one another.   

Wettlaufer stated he would talk to Town Counsel in regards to the insurance coverage for personal vehicles as well as steps for disciplinary action for abuse of town vehicles and violations of the policy.  

Discussion will be continued to the next Board of Selectmen meeting.

Additional Executive Secretary Duties

The Board had a chance to review the request of the Treasurer to transfer the Human Resource duties to the Executive Secretary position.  Arnold asked where the money would be coming from, if it would be coming from the Treasurers salary to the Executive Secretary salary.  Kennedy stated he felt the current Treasurer has taken on so many additional responsibilities, that he did not feel taking part of her salary would be fair to her.  Arnold stated it would be taking money away from the position, not the person.  Bishop, the Executive Secretary stated she would prefer to be trained for free, rather than take money from the current Treasurer’s salary.  Kennedy did not want to have any town employee working and not getting paid for it.  Wettlaufer suggested the Board take time again to review where the additional money can come from.  The Board agreed to table discussion until the next meeting.  

Hamilton Dam Grant Application Proposal

McClure Engineering submitted a proposal to the Town to do the technical side of the work needed to submit a grant application to repair the Hamilton Reservoir Dam. Because it is a competitive grant, it is recommended that an article is put on the Annual Town Meeting warrant to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer the sum of money to fix the dam so in the application it shows the town supports the project.  Being able to show town support will put the town closer to the top of the list.  McClure is estimating to do all the work needed for the dam will cost approximately $554,000.  McClure also will charge to put the grant together.  The estimate for the scope of work is $6,500.  Before signing the contract it was agreed to confirm how many hours it may take to pull all of the information together and that it was included in the $6,500.  


Annual Town Meeting Warrant

The Board agreed they would review the warrant prior to next meeting which will Monday May 19, 2014 at 7:00 PM.  The warrant can be signed that evening and posted within the required timeframe.  


Memorial Day Ceremony Tantasqua Junior High Friday May 23, 2014 8:00-10:30

Cemetery Commission has hired Steven Kavorkian as the groundskeeper for the Holland Cemetery.  


Warrants in the amounts of $13,604.93– Payroll and $21,451.78 – Vendor were signed and delivered to the Treasurer

Motion 05062014-6: To adjourn the meeting at 8:03 PM.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Wettlaufer.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Bishop
Executive Secretary